Spain (Natural Energy News): Environmental protection measures within the project include the establishment of two floating islands to encourage birds to nest, and the provision of nesting boxes for fewer pests.
A RESERVOIR in the Spanish region of Extremadura is Spain's first grid-connected floating photovoltaic solar power plant.
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Guillermo Fernandez Vara, president of the Junta (regional government) of Extremadura and Jose Manuel Entrecanless, president of the renewable energy group Acciona, officially opened the plant on the Sierra Brava reservoir today.
The demonstration facility consists of 3,000 photovoltaic modules of various types, distributed in five temporary structures with different layouts, orientations and orientations.
The objective is to analyze their performance and find out the cost of installation and maintenance of various solutions.
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The plant is off the southern edge of the reservoir in the municipality of Zorita (Cáceres) and covers 12,000m2 or only 0.07% of the total surface area of the reservoir.
Environmental protection measures in the project include the establishment of two floating islands to encourage birds to nest, and provision of nesting boxes for a protected species living within the area (Compression Falco Toumani). The monitoring program will examine interactions between birds and fish stocks in the reservoir with plant and support measures.
ACCONA's new floating plant is designed to test a range of solar panels, tilt and floating systems jointly and in real environments.
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Among the foremost novel elements are two-sided panels, modules with a transparent rear surface, which permit sunlight to function on the reverse side, and a totally vertical layout with a 90-degree tilt.
ACCIONA has also developed a leading hybrid solution combining wind and photovoltaic energy. This involves covering the wind turbine tower with flexible panels to produce energy for the internal power consumption of the turbine. The system is installed in a turbine at the wind farm of Brenna (Albacete).
The field of floating photovoltaic plants is closing in as technological development underscores its technical and economic viability, particularly in areas with low land availability or strong competition from agricultural use.
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Floating photovoltaic has shown other advantages over its land-based counterpart, for instance, high performance at low ambient temperatures and high solar exposure and low shade, flat sites with simple installation; These factors can often involve higher initial capital expenditures.
For environmental benefits, floating photovoltaic reduces water evaporation in reservoirs and improves water quality as a result of low algae growth.
The floating photovoltaic is clearly compatible with conventional large-scale hydroelectricity. Using the reservoir surface to get additional energy may be a clear optimization of resources, both using good use of space and using existing connections to the facility grid, as well as stabilizing production based on alternative production sources.
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